News, Deadlines A&A News, Deadlines A&A

¿Se le pasó el plazo del 18 de abril? Presente su declaración ahora para limitar las multas e intereses

El IRS insiste a los contribuyentes que no cumplieron con la fecha límite del martes 18 de abril, a presentar su declaración lo antes posible. Los contribuyentes que adeudan impuestos y no cumplieron con el plazo sin solicitar una prórroga deben presentar su declaración lo antes posible para limitar las multas y los intereses.

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News, IRS A&A News, IRS A&A

Avoid delays: Use e-file with direct deposit for faster refunds

Although every year the IRS encourages taxpayers to e-file their returns and use direct deposit to receive refunds, to those taxpayers who have previously not used e-file, the IRS emphasizes using it this year to avoid paper-related processing delays. Taxpayers can file electronically by using a tax professional, IRS Free File or other commercial tax preparation software. The IRS cautioned paper-filed tax returns and paper checks will take even longer this year due to a variety of reasons.

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News, IRS Deadlines A&A News, IRS Deadlines A&A

IRS reminder: June 15 tax deadline postponed to July 15 for taxpayers who live and work abroad

The Internal Revenue Service reminds people who live and work abroad that they have until Wednesday, July 15, 2020, to file their 2019 federal income tax return and pay any tax due. The usual deadline is June 15. This extension was included in a wide range of Coronavirus-related relief announced in early April. The extension generally applies to all taxpayers who have an income tax filing or payment deadline falling on or after April 1, 2020, and before July 15, 2020.

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