News, IRS A&A News, IRS A&A

Choosing a special Identity Protection PIN adds extra safety for taxpayers

The IRS reminds taxpayers they can get extra protection starting in January by joining the agency's Identity Protection Personal Identification Number (IP PIN) program. The IP PIN is a six-digit number assigned to eligible taxpayers to help prevent the misuse of their Social Security number or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number on fraudulent federal income tax returns. The IRS has made recent changes to the program to make it easier for more taxpayers to join.

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News, IRS A&A News, IRS A&A

IRS offers guidance to taxpayers on identity theft involving unemployment benefits

Scammers also took advantage of the pandemic by filing fraudulent claims for unemployment compensation using stolen personal information of individuals who had not filed claims.

Taxpayers who receive an incorrect Form 1099-G for unemployment benefits they did not receive should contact the issuing state agency to request a revised Form 1099-G showing they did not receive these benefits.

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News, IRS Deadlines A&A News, IRS Deadlines A&A

IRS to Employers: February 1, 2021 deadline for Form W-2, other wage statements

Good preparation now can help businesses avoid problems later. The Internal Revenue Service reminds employers that they must file Form W-2 and other wage statements by February 1, 2021, to avoid penalties and help the IRS prevent fraud. For instance, employers can get an early start verifying or updating employee information like names, addresses and Social Security numbers or Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers.

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